We travel on the stream of night,
we drift along like ships.
In sleep we fulfill our fate
we leave the dark banks behind
and find gain in silence.
We bring the dreams of night,
set out into strange worlds.
Longing and shadows and joys live there,
we wash both yesterday and today away
and yet our home is tomorrow.
We give the yearnings of night,
we slumber in the breath of time.
Ours is sensing, is deep understanding,
when the world's questions are lost in the stars
it is ready for feeling.
We grant the silence of night
like the beginning of death,
we spread the veil of sleep over the land,
touch hearts with soothing hand
and peace sets in wherever we are.
We are the heralds of night,
her voice, her fragrance, her gown.
Already stream and fate carry us on,
we look back, we whisper a word,
and bless the sleeping land.
Eva, 4th of June 2000
For Christine and Anja